Carrie Riseley is a JET alumni and author of "Japan Unexpected," a book describing her experiences in Japan while on the JET Program. Check out this description of her book:
"You might know about tea ceremonies, samurai and vending machines, but have you heard of honorific speech, a shrine to carry gods through a neighbourhood, or miso ramen-flavoured ice-cream? Explore some little known and sometimes surprising elements of one of the most unique countries in the world, as viewed by Carrie, a young Australian teaching in Japanese elementary schools. Even those things that are known about in the outside world are examined in detail by Carrie and unexpected elements brought to light."
Learn more about the author herself below:
My name is Carrie Riseley and I'm an ex-JET from Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture. I have just released a book called “Japan Unexpected”. It’s predominantly made up of journals I wrote whilst I was on the JET Programme. I'm Australian, but I made good friends with several Americans while on JET, who all star in the book. One was my cultural editor too. I called the book “Japan Unexpected” because even though I’d been studying Japanese for years before going on JET and had even lived in Japan previously, Japan never ceases to amaze me with the unexpected things it can show you and experiences it can give you. I've been sharing photos and story snippets on my "Carrie's Travel Books" social media - follow me for those; they're fun! - and last week did an online book launch. If you’d like to join me in some hisashiburi experiences, or perhaps get inspiration for future things you can try, have a look!
Find information about "Japan Unexpected" and Carrie's other works here.